Selecting the secondary option adds a secondary node to an existing cluster. 选择次选项会向现有集群添加一个次节点。
Adding a new SD secondary to a cluster is very easy and can be done in a few seconds once the shared disk is prepared. 向集群添加新的SD备用服务器非常简单,准备好共享磁盘后只需几秒就可完成。
Similarly, you can select the check box under Preferred Secondary CF to create a secondary CF, and a DB2 member, on a different host in the cluster. 类似地,您可以选择PreferredSecondaryCF下的复选框,在集群中的不同主机上创建一个辅助CF和一个DB2成员。
The backup obtained from the secondary server is restorable to any other server in the cluster. 从次要服务器获得的备份可以恢复到群集中的任意其他服务器。
The merge statement can also be executed on an updateable secondary node in a MACH-11 cluster environment. merge语句还可在MACH-11集群环境中的可更新备用节点上执行。
You'll find one namenode and one secondary namenode in a Hadoop cluster. 在每个Hadoop集群中可以找到一个namenode和一个secondarynamenode。
Adding an RS secondary to a cluster 向集群添加RS备用服务器
Each RAC node should be configured to serve as the primary, and as the principal secondary of equal number of WebSphere cluster members. 应将每个RAC节点配置为可作为主节点,并可作为相同数量的WebSphere集群成员的主要辅助节点。
Secondary Development of Instrument Cluster Vision Checking Based on CATIA 基于CATIA二次开发的仪表盘视野校核
The load balancer uses a just in time methodology by selecting the location of the primary and secondary replicas of a new database based on current load on nodes within a cluster. 负载均衡器使用的是一种即时的方法,它会基于集群中各节点的当前负载来选择主副本和二级副本的位置。
Setup will install a set of core system files required on the secondary node of a cluster. 安装程序将在簇的第二级节点上安装所需的核心系统文件。
Secondary analyses on regional innovation ability in China using factor and cluster method 基于因子和聚类分析的区域创新能力再评价
To investigate the occupational noise-induced hearing impairment in the trainees of the technical secondary schools in Guangzhou air-conditioning industries during their one year practice period by cluster sampling. 整群抽样调查广州空调行业技校、职业中等中专技术学校男性实习生1年实习期噪声性听力损伤情况。
Shrinkage of resin curing does make a primary contribution to the reduction of resistance; however, this contribution is of secondary importance in comparing with that of the cluster formation. 固化时体积收缩固然对电阻降低有一定贡献,但是和导电团簇形成相比它的重要性是第二位的。
Research on some fungal species in recent years shows, chromosome epigenetic state is directly related to the regulation of fungal secondary metabolite gene cluster. 近年来对一些真菌物种进行的研究结果显示,染色体的表观遗传状态也直接调控真菌次生代谢相关基因簇的表达。